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Project history

The site allocation has a long history and we have provided the below to help try and explain some of the key developments over the last decade.

The site that is currently being built out by Persimmon known as Trelawny Place is not in fact the first phase of the masterplan. This development was submitted for planning almost a decade ago and five years before the site was allocated in the local plan. Although initially the application was refused by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) it was approved on appeal by the Secretary of State because at the time the LPA could not prove an adequate five year housing supply. This limited the impact the LPA could have to improve the application.


  • March – Landowner and Promoter (Christchurch and then Persimmon Home) submit Planning Application for Land at Candlet Road for 560 homes. Eventually refused by East Suffolk Council Local Planning Authority.


  • ESC cabinet decision to continue to provide leisure facilities to district and refurbishment programme begun.
  • Sept - Public Inquiry Process - Land at Candlet Road


  • August - Land at Candlet Road – permission granted by Secretary of State at appeal
  • August – Oct - Initial Issues and Options consultation on the Suffolk Coastal Local Plan carried out by the Local Planning Authority. ESC as a Landowner, responded with a proposal for the Garden Neighbourhood called the ‘Felixstowe Leisure Vision’ this was based on the relocation of the Leisure Centre being the driving force of wider residential growth in this area.


  • February – April – The East Suffolk Leisure Team undertook a consultation on the options for future Leisure provision in Felixstowe. This received nearly 1000 responses.
  • July – September – First Draft Local Plan consultation carried out by the Local Planning Authority. This included the proposal for the allocation of up to 2000 homes as the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood


  • September – Cabinet Decision to proceed with master planning