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Survey Update

East Suffolk Council are undertaking surveys to inform the development of the proposed North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood masterplan. This includes a wide range of disciplines including ecology, landscape, heritage/archaeology, noise, air quality and traffic.
The project team understand how important the existing natural assets on the site are to the local community and have provided a brief update for to explain the ecological survey work which has and will be undertaken as part of our work.
Ecology is a particularly important design consideration that will help shape a development that realises opportunities to maximise biodiversity gain and protect valuable features. The following surveys have been undertaken or are due to take place in line with the seasonality of different species:
  • Bats – the building survey is complete and has informed the need for an after-dark emergence survey between May and August. The tree roost potential survey will be undertaken to inform emergence surveys across the same summer period. Bat activity surveys involving walked transects and static detectors are also being undertaken over the summer to understand how they commute and forage across the site. This will inform the integration of dark corridors within the masterplan.
  • Habitats – an extended phase 1 habitat survey was undertaken to establish the types and condition of habitats across the site. This will be particularly important in informing the biodiversity net gain strategy for the project.
  • Great crested newt (GCN) (Triturus cristatus) – eDNA surveys have been undertaken across the site with further due to take place in the surrounding area. The surveys involve taking water samples to determine the presence/absence of GCN.
  • Birds – wintering bird surveys are complete. Two breeding bird surveys have been undertaken with four further visits to be undertaken by early July.
  • Reptiles – a survey will be undertaken between May and September.
  • Badger – a survey was completed earlier this year to identify the location of the setts and understand the extent of their foraging habitat.
  • Water vole – a survey will be undertaken across all the watercourses on the site.